Halo Infinite

343 vil ta seg god tid med Halo Infinite og unngå crunch

Bonnie Ross sa at målet er å unngå "crunch" for utviklerne, hvilket betyr at de skal investere i verktøy som gir bedre arbeidsflyt.

Abonner på vårt nyhetsbrev her!

* Påkrevd felt

Bonnie Ross er en veteranutvikler som er den nåværende sjefen for 343 Industries, og da USgamer snakket med henne etter at hun ble innsatt i The Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences' Hall of Fame,spurte de henne om hvordan 343 takler crunch i en utviklingsperiode.

"Yeah, with Halo 4, just given the nature of being a brand new team that had not worked on the Halo engine before, we did put the team through a really bad crunch. Obviously we had a ton of feedback that that was not a great thing," forklarte hun.

"That's why we've taken a bit more time—usually it's three years between every Halo—to really do the investment in the engine and the tools and pipeline, and we're still working on it. But we showed it at E3 last year, and it is basically trying to create an environment that we can build the game better, faster, and ideally, you know, prevent crunch. I think there will always be with any game, I think there will be times where we need to work longer hours. But I think that we need to be really deliberate with that because it's not fair to the team, and the team doesn't want to do it. And so we're trying to work out how do we create the best environment to hopefully mitigate that."

Crunch havnet i skuddlinjen da Red Dead Redemption 2 skulle lanseres, for sjefene skrøt av at de hadde jobbet 100-timers uker i flere måneder, mens ansatte fortalte om hvor mye disse crunch-periodene hadde ødelagt dem. Crunch har vært et hett tema siden.

Hva synes du om det Ross sier her?

Halo Infinite

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