Dragon Age: Inquisition

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* Påkrevd felt

Da vi satte oss ned med David Gaider på Gamelab Barcelona for et par uker siden, hadde Biowares sjefsforfatter en del ting på hjertet når det gjelder interaktiv historiefortelling. Selv om Dragon Age: Inquistition ble tatt godt imot over hele verden, så innrømmer han at det er rom for forbedringer i seriens historier. Han trekker dessuten frem The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt som et eksempel til etterfølgelse.

"It would be just the players want to see the exploration areas sort of incorporated a lot more tightly into the story, have a bit more fleshed out writing. I was playing The Witcher 3 recently and I think they actually did a really good job with their side quests, sort of making them feel alive, have interesting characters, and things like that. People are accustomed to BioWare games just being sort of chock-full of story, and I think that's going to be the team's main goal. I'm not on Dragon Age anymore myself, I passed it off to Patrick Weekes, he's another senior writer who works with the company and I think they're very excited about the direction that they're going to go next; we all learned a lot from Inquisition".

Sjekk ut intervjuet nedenfor for å høre alt han hadde å si om historieformidling.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

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